Spring Knitting Updates!

Hello all!

I’ve been super duper busy with life and what not in the past couple months – lots of exciting things. Life is such an amazing thing – when you are willing to open yourself to the greatness of what this world has to offer you, the possibilities are endless.  Bounds and bounds.

As for the knitting… this is a new design made with Madelinetosh ASAP:

The Lilli Infinity

The Lilli Infinity


FREE Pattern Available: Gartered Baby Bibs

Ravelry: Download “Gartered Baby Bibs” Pattern

Pattern Available: Slouchy Spiraled Beret

Ravelry: Buy “Slouchy Spiralred Beret” Pattern

I had the opportunity to travel down to NYC (unfortunately, I did not go see Purl Soho)… but I did a lot of other great things!  Here are some photos from the trip:

Lilli is wearing her new scarf, too!

Lilli & I on the High Line.

Selfie @ The Met, yup!

The Metropolitan Museum.

Iddi, full of truth and inspiration.

Street Art Vendors at Chelsea Market! #billpeaksnyc

I hope you all are keeping well & treating yourselves to exactly what you deserve.  Love is everywhere.
